Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CMF medics prayer

Heavenly Father,

We thank you that through your Son, our saviour, we receive new life and hope. Lead us by your Spirit in our work today. Enable us to fulfil our medical calling in love, wisdom and integrity. Give us knowledge and diligence in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Help us to bring comfort to the anxious and sorrowing. Free us from selfish ambition. Grant us sincerity in all that we say and do. Strengthen us to persevere in the face of fatigue. Keep us always mindful of your redeeming purpose and maintin our confidence that death will finally be overcome though Jesus Christ our Lord.


1 comment:

Africa Youth Ministries said...

2010 Medical Missions:

Are you a Physicians, OB-GYN, General Surgeons, Pediatricians, Dentists, Nurses, Surgical Technologists, Laboratory Technicians, Pharmacists, Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Pastors, physiotherapists, Medical and Dental Students, looking for medical missions opportunities, follow the link below to apply.
